+256 (0) 783 371729

Welcome to Our Website | Successful Women, Successful Families.

AWOBU is a Not for Profit, Non-Partisan, Women’s Association working to empower Women in business and informal sector to grow, thrive and succeed in business and life. We envision a community rooted in and committed to intentional actions and relationships that sustainably advance AWOBU: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, economic Justice. As an empowerment engine cultivating economic vitality through entrepreneurship.

We believe that every woman is capable of building a successful business – but you can’t do it alone. That is why AWOBU exists. It is here to support you on the journey to business and personal success. Help you learn how to run a successful business. Whether you are running a multi-million business or just starting out in business, the resources, support and connections you can access is invaluable to build a successful business. We are a community, so you are guaranteed to make new connections and create new business opportunities for women to help them create a successful business.

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Our Core Values

  • Compassion: We meet people where they are and treat them with kindness and empathy.
  • Collaboration: We work with others to achieve our mission to empower women from all walks of life.
  • Inclusiveness: We are an inclusive community without racial or other discriminatory bias.
  • Integrity: We work honestly with each other, our community, our partners and those who work with us.
  • Excellence: We continue to learn, improve and grow in order to make continuous progress in our community and our mission.
  • Knowledge: To deliver exceptional resources and valuable knowledge to empower women to achieve success.
  • Advocacy: We collectively advocate on business and economic issues in an effort to improve women’s participation in that economy.
  • Inclusion: Inclusion is creating and sustaining a space/community where all Women feel welcome and have a sense of belonging.
  • Diversity: Diversity refers to the presence of and respect for the intentional range of visible and invisible differences within our community.
  • Equity: We recognize that due to a history of systematic oppression not every woman is granted the same opportunities.
  • Accessibility: The presence of quality opportunities that are readily and easily available to women regardless of income, background, experience, etc.
  • Social Justice: Acknowledging and confronting inequality faced by women within society.

Our Objectives

  1. To empower women entrepreneurs and Women in the informal sector through better access to finance.
  2. To improve the policy and legislative environment for women entrepreneurs. And women in the informal sector.
  3. To advocate for a gender-responsive policy environment for Women entrepreneurs.
  4. To increase the number of women in governance and leadership positions within business given the ways in which the private sector creates jobs, produces growth and impacts economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects of life.
  5. To promote women’s employment and entrepreneurship opportunities around the green economy and related climate change response.
  6. To promote access to Justice for Women in Business and the informal sector.

Our Programs

AWOBU focuses on implementing four core programs to ensure we achieve our mission and vision. These programs are crucial to creating a successful ecosystem of women in business

Women, Business and Human Rights

Women make significant contributions to the effectiveness, profits and talent pools available to business not to mention the overall contributions they make to economies. Furthermore, women’s inclusion in governance and leadership positions within business is critical given the ways in which the private sector creates jobs, produces growth and impacts economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects of life.

Women, Business and the Law

Although much progress has been made over the past 50 years, gender equality had not yet been achieved when crisis struck in 2020. COVID-19 has directly and disproportionately jeopardized women’s social and economic capabilities. Because they make up the majority of health, social service, and unpaid care workers, women are uniquely susceptible to the effects of the pandemic. In addition, women continue to earn less than men for the same work.

Access to Justice for Women in Business

A growing number of international policy and legal instruments, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security have emphasized that access to justice for women and girls is not only a right in itself, but also an essential factor in the enjoyment of other rights.

Women’s Green Business

The world is shifting from traditional economic growth models based on fossil fuels towards a green economy based on low-emission and climate-resilient sustainable development. The financial and economic crises have prompted increased investments in environmental infrastructure and green jobs. Uganda continue to make commitments to support emerging financing mechanisms and development strategies that help communities mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

Our Statistics

AWOBU has achieved very strong statistical results from the projects and activities we implement in the communities over the last years. Here they are below;

Project Beneficiaries from 5 projects across 5 sub-regions in Uganda

Women Entrepreneurship Groups supported over the last 5 years

Projects Implemented directly supporting over 5000 women

Women Owned Businesses created in 2020 with support from AWOBU